Potatoes – Approximately 225 acres. We start by obtaining certified seed potatoes sourced from a few select growers in Michigan and Wisconsin who we have long term relationships with. Planting is done during the first two weeks of May. The growing season involves lots of intensive management using soil and tissue samples, water monitoring, crop scouting, and working with consultants. This ensures the correct amount of nutrients, water and protection products are applied and avoids overuse. This is the heart of our Integrated Pest Management program. Harvest usually begins in early September and ends in early October. The potatoes are put into computer controlled storage to maintain proper temperature and humidity levels. This provides the best quality potatoes for a long as possible during the storage season.
We raise Superiors as our white variety. Goldrush and Caribou as our main russet varieties. We are constantly researching and trying other varieties to see if there is something of better taste, quality and agronomics suited to our area.
Most of the winter is spent running our packing facility. Packaging potatoes in everything from 5lb to 2000lb bags for retail and food service markets.
Our Operations are USDA G.A.P / G.H.P certified.
Beans – Approximately 425 acres. The beans are contracted to a Michigan canner and are planted in June according to their schedule. They are harvested by special harvesters approximately 62 to 64 days later.
Wheat – Approximately 300 acres. This is planted in the fall, usually the end of September and harvested the following July. It is usually sent down state to a mill for flour.
Corn – Approximately 100 acres. Used mainly to build organic matter. It is sold to a local dairy farmer.25